Election 2014 – Where the parties stand

The table below describes to what degree each party’s commitments would help to achieve the objectives set out in our environmental priorities.  This assessment is based on party responses to our questionnaire and their party platform documents.

Y = Yes: policies proposed will meet the Priority commitment

P = Partial: policies proposed would partially meet the Priority commitment

N = No, policies proposed will not met the Priority commitment

? = party position unknown

 This scorecard was revised at 3 p.m. on June 9th.  For an explanation of changes, click here.

  Liberals PCs NDP Green

Will your party commit to improving public transit by:

Creating a dedicated fund for transit expansion?

Investing in immediate service improvements and bring provincial funding for operations back to 50% of costs? P N P Y

Using development charges (fees paid by developers) to fund transit expansion?

P ? P P

Will your party act to protect the natural biodiversity of our province by:

Repealing exemptions to the Endangered Species Act?

N ? P Y

Meeting the 2020 target date for protecting 17% of Southern Ontario’s land base through protected areas and conservation stewardship arrangements as called for in the province’s Biodiversity Strategy?


Will your party help to reduce energy costs by:

Closing the high-cost and risky Pickering Nuclear Station by 2015 P N P P

Requiring a full review of the cost of nuclear refurbishment projects by the province’s new Financial Accountability Office or the Ontario Energy Board?


Fully implement the province’s new Conservation Framework to help homeowners and businesses save money by improving energy efficiency?


Will your party help to address the climate change crisis that is leading to higher and higher costs due to extreme weather by:

Developing a carbon pricing system for large carbon emitters?


Enhancing and procuring living green infrastructure, like urban forests and green roofs that reduce flooding, provide natural cooling and increase climate resilience.


Will you stop costly urban sprawl and create more liveable communities by:

Amending the Development Charges Act, 1997 to ensure that new development pays the full cost of growth. These changes must include ending counterproductive discounts and exemptions from municipal service charges, and reflect future demands for increased services — from schools to libraries — through full lifecycle costing.

Y ? Y Y

Rewarding developers through development charge discounts when they increase density, create infill development, build energy and water efficient developments, and accommodate urban agriculture, community gardens and food retailers?

P ? Y Y

Will you ensure resource development in the Ring of Fire does not irreparably damage one of the world’s most important natural areas by:

Establishing a Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment Planning process to develop a “big picture” vision and community consensus around the future of the region rather than relying on fragmented and largely uncoordinated conventional planning approaches?


Create a coordinated infrastructure plan that protects the ecological integrity of the region rather than building roads and transmission lines in response to individual project demands?


Will you act to stop the alarming decline of critical plant pollinators, particularly bees, by:

Restricting the sale and commercial use of neonicotinoids and ban neonicotinoid seed treatments through changes to the Tables in sections 4 and 98 of Ontario Regulation 6/09 of the Ontario Pesticides Act?

P ? P Y

Investing in the protection and restoration of habitats for pollinators, which contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in pollination services to Ontario each year.

P ? P Y

Will your party address rising cancer rates by:

Requiring labelling on products that contain carcinogens, with requirements for listing and labelling based on evidence from internationally recognized health authorities, such as Health Canada or the International Agency for Research on Cancer?

P ? P Y

Closing the “fragrance” loophole by requiring full ingredient disclosure for cosmetics rather than allowing broad category descriptions such as “fragrance”?

P ? P Y

Will your party act quickly to reintroduce legislation based on these bills that were left unfinished by the election call: (please indicate which you support):

  • Bill 6, Great Lakes Protection Act
  • Bill 83, Protection of Public Participation Act
  • Bill 91, Waste Reduction Act
  • Bill 138, Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act
  • Bill 167, Invasive Species Act
  Y ? P Y